
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik kemampuan pemahaman dan penalaran matematis siswa SMK dalam menyelesaikan tugas matematis berbasis Agribisnis Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura (ATPH) berdasarkan tingkat kemampuan awal matematis (KAM). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain grounded theory tipe konstruktivistik. Partisipan terdiri siswa SMK-ATPH kelas XI yang dakategorikan pada tiga tingkat KAM (tinggi, sedang, rendah), Guru kompetensi keahlian ATPH, penyuluh pertanian lapangan, petani, dan dosen agribisnis, Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, dokumen, dan lembar jawaban siswa. Data-data yang diperoleh dianalisis melalui pengodean awal, pengodean terfokus, pengodean aksial, dan pengodean teoritis. Karakteristik tugas matematis berbasis ATPH: 1) Tugas matematis ATPH dibentuk dari konteks ATPH, peran matematika pada ATPH, konten matematika, tujuan tugas, sifat tugas, jenis tugas, dan variabel tugas. 2) Konteks tugas dan peran matematika pada ATPH merupakan komponen utama yang menjadi karakteristik khas tugas matematis berbasis ATPH. 3) Konteks tugas merupakan komponen-komponen subsistem agribisnis yang melibatkan matematika dalam menyelesaikan masalahnya, yaitu pengadaan sarana produksi, pengadaan alat pertanian, alam, tenaga kerja, modal, manajemen dan pemasaran. 4) Peran matematika pada konteks ATPH adalah menghitung, mengukur, menganalisis, dan atau memprediksi komponen-komponen ATPH. Karakteristik pemahaman matematis pada tugas matematis berbasis ATPH: 1) Kemampuan pemahaman matematis dalam menyelesaikan tugas matematis berbasis ATPH diindikasikan dengan kemampuan koherensi, korespondensi, dan koneksi matematis (koneksi konteks-konsep, koneksi antar konsep, koneksi prosedural). 2) Tingkat KAM siswa cenderung memengaruhi kemampuan pemahaman matematis pada aspek koneksi matematis. Karakteristik kemampuan penalaran matematis pada tugas matematis berbasis ATPH: 1) Kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas matematis berbasis ATPH untuk semua tingkat KAM adalah imitatif atau kreatif. 2) Tingkat KAM siswa cenderung memengaruhi kemampuan penalaran matematis pada aspek plausibility dan anchoring. Kemampuan Pemahaman dan penalaran matematis bersama-sama menentukan keberhasilan penyelesaian tugas matematis berbasis ATPH pada setiap tingkat KAM siswa yang dapat dilihat dari model paradigma aksial yang bersifat khas dan dipengaruhi oleh konteks dan variabel tugas. Koherensi, korespondensi, atau koneksi cenderung memengaruhi kemampuan penalaran matematis pada setiap tingkat KAM siswa. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of vocational students' mathematical understanding and reasoning abilities in solving mathematical tasks based on Food Crops and Horticulture Agribusiness (ATPH) based on the mathematical prior knowledge (KAM). This study uses a qualitative approach with a constructivist type grounded theory design. Participants consisted of SMK-ATPH class XI students who were categorized at three levels of KAM (high, middle, low), teachers of ATPH, PPL, farmers, and agribusiness lecturers. Data was collected through interviews, documents, and student answer sheets. The data obtained were analyzed through initial coding, focused coding, axial coding, and theoretical coding. Characteristics of ATPH-based mathematical tasks: 1) ATPH mathematical tasks are formed from the context of ATPH, the role of mathematics in ATPH, mathematical content, task objectives, nature of tasks, types of tasks, and task variables. 2) The context of the task and the role of mathematics in ATPH are the main components that are characteristic of ATPH-based mathematical tasks. 3) The task context is the components of the agribusiness subsystem that involve mathematics in solving the problem, namely the procurement of production facilities, the procurement of agricultural equipment, nature, labor, capital, management, and marketing. 4) The role of mathematics in the context of ATPH is to calculate, measure, analyze, and or predict ATPH components. Characteristics of mathematical understanding in ATPH-based mathematical tasks: 1) The ability to mathematical understanding in solving ATPH-based mathematical tasks is indicated by the ability of coherence, correspondence, and connections (context-concept connection, conceptual connection, procedural connection). 2) The level of KAM of students tends to affect their mathematical understanding ability in the aspect of mathematical connection. Characteristics of mathematical reasoning abilities in ATPH-based mathematical tasks: 1) Students' mathematical reasoning abilities in solving ATPH-based mathematical tasks for all levels of KAM are imitative or creative. 2) The level of student's KAM tends to influence mathematical reasoning abilities on the aspects of plausibility and anchoring. The ability of mathematical understanding and reasoning together determines the successful solve of ATPH-based mathematical tasks at each student's KAM level which can be seen from the axial paradigm model that is unique and is influenced by the context and task variables. Coherence, correspondence, or connections tend to affect mathematical reasoning abilities at each student's KAM level

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