
Abstract ANALYSIS OF CLASS IV STUDENT LEARNING DIFFICULTY ON THE PROBLEM OF INTERGERS CALCULATION NESYA NOVITA DWI ARYANI Primary School Education Programs, Serang Regional Campus, Indonesia University of Education The interger operation is the calculation of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of neutral and positive integers or negative intergers. Students face difficulties in solving interger operations, especially if the questions are presented in the form of story problems. The purposes of this study is to describe the learning difficulties of class IV students on the problem of integer calculation and to describe the solutions how to overcome the learning difficulties of class IV students on the problem of interger calculation. The method of this research is content analysis. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the learning difficulties of class IV students on the arithmetic problems based on the indicators of learning difficulties in mathematics on the cognitive ability factor, namely the difficulty of learning facts occurs when students only write the answer without writing down the symbols or symbols contained in the questions and not writing parable contained in the problem, difficulty learning concepts occur when students still do not understand the concept of interger calculation, learning difficulties can be seen when students write the incorrect answers in the sense that there are errors in the calculation of the reduction with negative numbers, and difficulty learning principle not write mathematical models and solve them precisely. The solutions to overcome the learning difficulties of fourth grade students in solving the problem of interger calculation can be done with a remedial program, increasing the practice of story questions and literacy movements. Keyword: Learning Difficulty, Intergers Calculatio

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