
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai pengaruh penerapan Community of Inquiry (CoI) menggunakan Line terhadap keterampilan kolaborasi siswa SMA pada materi energi terbarukan. Metode yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain Non equivalent Control Group Design. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini dari dua kelas di SMAN semester genap tahun ajaran 2019-2020, penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Data utama dijaring melalui soal uraian sebanyak tiga soal, lembar observasi peer assessment, sedangkan data pendukung dijaring melalui angket respon siswa dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran CoI menggunakan Line. Hasil data pretest diperoleh nilai signifikan (P-value) 0,049 lebih kecil daripada alpha--0,05. Berdasarkan data tersebut menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan keterampilan kolaborasi siswa antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil uji hipotesis data posttest dengan menggunakan Mann Whitney diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,002 < 0,05. maka H1 diterima.Berdasarkan nilai pretest memiliki signifikan yang berbeda, maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan perhitungan N-Gain. Untuk kelas kontrol memiliki efetivitas N-Gain tidak efektif, sedangkan pada kelas eksperimen memiliki efektivitas N-Gain cukup efektif dengan nilai persentase 66%. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah terdapat perbedaan keterampilan kolaborasi siswa yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol dengan memiliki nilai kenaikan yang cukup efektif. Keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran CoI menggunakan Line pada pertemuan pertama hampir seluruh kegiatan terlaksana, sedangkan pada pertemuan kedua keterlaksanaan pembelajaran CoI menggunakan Line sebagian besar kegiatan terlaksana. Respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran CoI menggunakan Line sebagian besar siswa tertarik terhadap model pembelajaran sehingga siswa tertarik terhadap konsep materi yang diberikan ketika pembelajaran dan sebagian besar siswa menilai baik terhadap model dan proses pembelajaran. Kata kunci: Community of Inquiry (CoI), keterampilan kolaborasi, Line dan energi terbarukan. The Effect of The Community of Inquiry Using Line Media on Student Collaboration Skills in Learning of Renewable Energy ABSTRACT This research aims to obtain information regarding the impact of Community of Inquiry (CoI) application by using Line towards high school students collaboration skills on the renewable energy learning. The methods used in this research was the quasi experiment with Non-equivalent Control Group design. Participants of this research were even-semester-high-school-students from two classes (2019-2020). The sample was determined through purposive sampling. The primary data was filtered through three essay questions and peer assessment observation sheet. Meanwhile, the secondary data was filtered through students’ response questionnaire and observation sheets regarding the implementation of the CoI learning model by using Line. The significant value (P-value) of the pretest data result was 0,049 which is less than the alpha —0,05. The data showed that there are significant differences of students collaboration skills among the experimental class and the control class. The hypothesis test result of the posttest data which used Mann Whitney obtained a significant value of 0,002 < 0,05 which is then, the H1 is accepted. Based on the existence of significant differences in the pretest score; therefore, this research used N-Gain calculation. The N Gain in the control class was not effective, whereas the experimental class has quite effective N Gain with a percentage of 66%. In conclusion, there is a significant difference between students’ collaboration skills among the experimental and control class with an effective N Gain. The implementation of the CoI learning model by using Line at the first meeting went well with all activities done, whereas at the second meeting, it was just most of the activities that were done. Most of the students were interested in the CoI learning model through Line, which made the students also interested in the learning material concept provided during the learning time and another great assessment were given to the learning model and process. Another great assessment were given to the learning model and process. Keywords: Community of Inquiry (CoI), Collaboration Skills, Line, Renewable Energy

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