1984 Safety Belt and Child Safety Seat Usage Rates in Kentucky and Evaluation of a Public Information Campaign


There were two objectives of the survey summarized in this report. One was to establish 1984 safety belt and child safety seat usage rates in Kentucky which were compared to 1983 and 1982 rates. The other was to evaluate the effectiveness of public information campaigns as a means of increasing safety belt and seat usage rates. Statewide usage rates in the 19 cities previously surveyed in 1982 and 1983 showed that both driver safety belt and child safety seat and belt usage rates had increased in 1984. The 1984 statewide usage rate of safety belts by drivers was 6.9 percent while the percentage of children in either a safety seat or belt was 30.3. An analysis found that the increase in driver safety belt rates in cities with public information campaigns was higher than the increase in control cities. When all cities were included in the analysis, the difference was statistically significant. While the increase in child safety seat and belt usage was higher in the target compared to control cities, the difference was not statistically significant

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