Community Design of a Light-Rail Transit Oriented Development Using Casewise Visual Evaluation (CAVE)


The Transit Authority of River City (TARC) is in the preliminary engineering phases of developing a light-rail transit system running from downtown Louisville, Kentucky to the city’s southern suburbs, a distance of approximately 15 miles. In collaboration with the research team, TARC wished to test an innovative methodology for improving community participation in the design of a light rail transit-oriented development for the Smoketown/Shelby Park area. The Smoketown/Shelby Park neighborhood is a low-income area located to the south of the University of Louisville Medical Center. A suitable site for the station has been identified by TARC and its design partners, but no development has taken place yet. TARC has been conducting extensive outreach in this neighborhood over a span of several years and as a result the community is aware of the nature of the transit project, its purposes and benefits and has participated in the shaping of the route. Given this context the primary purpose of the research was to assist community participants identify preferred design criteria for their local transit oriented area, defined as this particular transit station and a two-block radius around it. This paper sets forth the principles of a novel visual assessment methodology termed Casewise Visual Evaluation (CAVE), describes its application to this problem and summarizes the results

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