Machine Learning-Based Estimation and Goodness-of-Fit for Large-Scale Confirmatory Item Factor Analysis


I investigate novel parameter estimation and goodness-of-fit (GOF) assessment methods for large-scale confirmatory item factor analysis (IFA) with many respondents, items, and latent factors. For parameter estimation, I extend Urban and Bauer's (2021) deep learning algorithm for exploratory IFA to the confirmatory setting by showing how to handle user-defined constraints on loadings and factor correlations. For GOF assessment, I explore new simulation-based tests and indices. In particular, I consider extensions of the classifier two-sample test (C2ST), a method that tests whether a machine learning classifier can distinguish between observed data and synthetic data sampled from a fitted IFA model. The C2ST provides a flexible framework that integrates overall model fit, piece-wise fit, and person fit. Proposed extensions include a C2ST-based test of approximate fit in which the user specifies what percentage of observed data can be distinguished from synthetic data as well as a C2ST-based relative fit index that is similar in spirit to the relative fit indices used in structural equation modeling. Via simulation studies, I first show that the confirmatory extension of Urban and Bauer's (2021) algorithm produces more accurate parameter estimates as the sample size increases and obtains comparable estimates to a state-of-the-art confirmatory IFA estimation procedure in less time. I next show that the C2ST-based test of approximate fit controls the empirical type I error rate and detects when the number of latent factors is misspecified. Finally, I empirically investigate how the sampling distribution of the C2ST-based relative fit index depends on the sample size.Master of Art

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