Application of assessment metrics for an academic department faculty development program


Faculty development is increasingly seen as a cornerstone of career sustainability in academic medicine, pediatrics, and other disciplines. Many current senior academic medical faculty developed their careers in systems that are distinctly different from current paradigms. Multiple internal and external variables have caused the academic environment to transform. These variables include rapidly changing technology, the opening of the academy to public scrutiny, external rankings, changes in the opportunities for academic advancement (including the increasing predominance of non–tenure track faculty), sharp reductions in protected time for teaching, increased pressure to meet measurable benchmarks for academic and financial productivity, and an increased emphasis on multidisciplinary team science to more rapidly advance biomedical research. Faculty must also become adept at assessing learning outcomes, and engaging in collaborative projects that couple scholarly expertise with the local, national, or international communities. The increasing incidence of burnout and other sequelae of chronic stress among medical faculty is well documented and has led to recommendations for more formalized institutional attention to these threats to the academic medical enterprise

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