In spring 2011, a study was initiated to investigate the nature and extent of gender issues in clinical dental education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry. Surveys were sent to 236 dental students in the second, third, and fourth years; eighty-six (36.4 percent) responded. Surveys were also sent to seventy-one full-time dental faculty members who had clinical contact with students, and thirty-four (47.9 percent) responded. Of the student respondents, fifty-one were female and thirty-five were male; the faculty respondents were ten women and twenty-four men. A significantly greater proportion of female than male student respondents reported that issues related to gender affected clinical training. The female students also responded that mentorship was less available and less in content for them compared to males, and significantly more female than male students reported lower self-confidence in clinical settings. Among faculty respondents, a higher proportion of women than men reported insufficient awareness of gender issues. These faculty members also reported thinking that female students showed more empathy toward patients than males. Both faculty and student respondents said that female faculty members received less respect from students than did male faculty members. Forty-eight percent of the students reported experiencing or witnessing gender-based prejudice in clinical settings, and 7.0 percent reported experiencing or witnessing unwelcome sexual advances or conduct. A more robust study to include other dental institutions is needed. With confirmation of specific gender issues, corrective measures could be recommended to improve the climate for both females and males in the clinical component of dental education