Implementing an escape room - A puzzling process


Implementing an escape room: A puzzling process Educators are continually challenged to engage students in the learning process and implement active learning strategies. One method is to utilize a game-based activity. Game-based learning strategies are an active learning method which motivates students, promotes collaboration, and provides immediate feedback. Objectives from various cognitive domain levels are met through games. One game-based strategy that promotes the application of learner knowledge is an escape room. Escape room participants solve sets of challenges as a team to complete an over-all goal. Teamwork and communication are needed, in addition to critical thinking skills. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss development, implementation, and evaluation of an escape room student learning activity. An escape room begins with a narrative and clues which initiate the first challenge. Each challenge feeds sequentially to the next. The solution of one challenge may provide a clue such as a numeric key unlocking a padlock or a code to open a computer file. The challenges may be within the same room, or the clues may lead the players to a new location. Final task completion results in finishing the challenges and achieving the established objectives. A well-designed escape room activity promotes teamwork and attainment of student learning outcomes. First-time implementation of an escape room can be a daunting task for an educator though. Through presentation, discussion, and small group work, educators will be guided through the planning process to promote successful implementation and evaluation of an escape room in their nursing curriculum

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