Approximate and Pseudo-Likelihood Analysis for Logistic Regression Using External Validation Data to Model Log Exposure


A common goal in environmental epidemiologic studies is to undertake logistic regression modeling to associate a continuous measure of exposure with binary disease status, adjusting for covariates. A frequent complication is that exposure may only be measurable indirectly, through a collection of subject-specific variables assumed associated with it. Motivated by a specific study to investigate the association between lung function and exposure to metal working fluids, we focus on a multiplicative-lognormal structural measurement error scenario and approaches to address it when external validation data are available. Conceptually, we emphasize the case in which true untransformed exposure is of interest in modeling disease status, but measurement error is additive on the log scale and thus multiplicative on the raw scale. Methodologically, we favor a pseudo-likelihood (PL) approach that exhibits fewer computational problems than direct full maximum likelihood (ML) yet maintains consistency under the assumed models without necessitating small exposure effects and/or small measurement error assumptions. Such assumptions are required by computationally convenient alternative methods like regression calibration (RC) and ML based on probit approximations. We summarize simulations demonstrating considerable potential for bias in the latter two approaches, while supporting the use of PL across a variety of scenarios. We also provide accessible strategies for obtaining adjusted standard errors to accompany RC and PL estimates

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