Construction and Characterization of a Cs-Sputter Ion Source for theGeneration of Intense Beams of Negatively Charged Atomic Ions


In this thesis the construction and a first characterization of a new cesium-sputterion source for the generation of intense beams of negatively charged atomic ions ispresented. Such an ion source was manufactured by the mechanical workshop of thephysics department at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. The source is in operationsince january 2017 at the ion source testbench of the group for atomic and moleculephysics.Ion beams were generated from different sputter targets. The generated currentswere satisfying compared to the currents which have been generated with an ECR ionsource. However, the here produced ion currents are lower than those from a similarsource operated at the Max-Planck-Institute of Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. Thisist because of a currently still too high base-pressure in the source. Moreover, theinfluence of the sputter potential as well as the ionizer current on the generated ioncurrent have been investigated. In addition, a manual for assembly, operation anddisassembly of the ion source has been written

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