Effect of staining solutions on discoloration of resin nanocomposites


Purpose—To examine the effect of staining solutions on the discoloration of resin nanocomposites. Methods—Three resin nanocomposites (Ceram X, Grandio, and Filtek Z350) were light cured for 40 seconds at a light intensity of 1000 mW/cm2. The color of the specimens was measured in %R (reflectance) mode before and after immersing the specimens in four different test solutions [distilled water (DW), coffee (CF), 50% ethanol (50ET) and brewed green tea (GT)] for 7 hours/ day over a 3-week period. The color difference (ΔE*) was obtained based on the CIEL*a*b* color coordinate values. Results—The specimens immersed in DW, 50ET and GT showed a slight increase in L* value. However, the samples immersed in CF showed a decrease in the L* value and an increase in the b* value. CF induced a significant color change (ΔE*: 3.1~5.6) in most specimens but the other solutions induced only a slight color change. Overall, coffee caused unacceptable color changes to the resin nanocomposites

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