Identification and characterization of the protein antigens of Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo.


We radiolabeled Leptospira proteins with [35S]methionine. Solubilized extracts of radiolabeled L. interrogans serovar hardjo strain hardjoprajitno were analyzed by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. We compared the protein profile obtained in this manner to the protein profiles of various [35S]methionine-labeled Leptospira spp. The profiles of the pathogenic L. interrogans strains were very similar but not identical and exhibited no obvious relationship to those of the two nonpathogenic species. We used solubilized, radiolabeled hardjoprajitno extracts and a sensitive radioimmunoprecipitation procedure to identify protein antigens recognized by immunoglobulin G antibodies present in various rabbit anti-hardjo sera. Homologous hyperimmune rabbit serum efficiently precipitated a large subset of proteins, the majority of which were between 30,000 and 66,500 daltons. Radioimmunoprecipitations with sera prepared against each of four recent hardjo isolates cultured from infected cattle produced similar results. Immunoprecipitations done with various radiolabeled Leptospira extracts and anti-hardjoprajitno serum demonstrated that the pathogenic leptospires possessed a number of cross-reactive major and minor protein antigens. By cell fractionation procedures, we found that most of the major protein antigens were present in the outer envelope. These proteins were exposed on the leptospiral cell surface because intact radiolabeled leptospires bound antibodies directed against them

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