A critical edition of the unedited portion of the "Dadestan-i Dinik".


An attempt is made, in this work, to edit the unedited portion (Pursish 41-92) of Dd., according to the strict scientific principles, as evolved in the classical European Studies. In Chapter I, a general idea of the whereabouts of almost all the known MSS. of Dd. is given. Chapter II, deals with a detailed description of five important MSS. (D, K, R, M and T) used for the edition of the text; their peculiarities, their individual mistakes, their importance etc. are also stated in the same chapter. In Chapter III the relationship of these MSS. is discussed, and it has been shown that the Iranian MSS. (K and T) and the Indian MSS. (D, M and R) are respectively derived from the two independent sub-archetypes and N. Chapter IV gives us an idea of the arrangement of the text. My principal guide for this work of edition has been the admirable study by Paul Maas, Textkritik, (Bd. 3 Leipzig, 1957). It should be noted that individual mistakes of a MS. or MSS. are discarded by the editor. In order to demonstrate the new procedure, a double apparatus has been given for the first three Parsish: first an apparatus in the "traditional" style, comprising each and every deviation, and thereafter a correct apparatus with variants (properly understood) only. The photostat copies of the two more folios (255-256) of K, and the Colophons of B and R with their transcriptions and translations are given at the end of the text

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