Reproductive character displacement generates reproductive isolation among conspecific populations: an artificial neural network study


When interactions with heterospecifics prevent females from identifying conspecific mates, natural selection can promote the evolution of mating behaviours that minimize such interactions. Consequently, mating behaviours may diverge among conspecific populations in sympatry and in allopatry with heterospecifics. This divergence in conspecific mating behaviours—reproductive character displacement—can initiate speciation if mating behaviours become so divergent as to generate reproductive isolation between sympatric and allopatric conspecifics. We tested these ideas by using artificial neural networks to simulate the evolution of conspecific mate recognition in populations sympatric and allopatric with different heterospecifics. We found that advertisement calls diverged among the different conspecific populations. Consequently, networks strongly preferred calls from their own population to those from foreign conspecific populations. Thus, reproductive character displacement may promote reproductive isolation and, ultimately, speciation among conspecific populations

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