Restriction of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus by Ref1, Lv1, and Primate TRIM5  Proteins


The Ref1 and Lv1 postentry restrictions in human and monkey cells have been analyzed for lentiviruses in the primate and ungulate groups, but no data exist for the third (feline) group. We compared feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) to other restricted (human immunodeficiency virus type 1 [HIV-1], equine infectious anemia virus [EIAV]) and unrestricted (NB-tropic murine leukemia virus [NB-MLV]) retroviruses across wide ranges of viral inputs in cells from multiple primate and nonprimate species. We also characterized restrictions conferred to permissive feline and canine cells engineered to express rhesus and human TRIM5α proteins and performed RNA interference (RNAi) against endogenous TRIM5α. We find that expression of rhesus or human TRIM5α proteins in feline cells restricts FIV, impairing pseudotyped vector transduction and viral replication, but rhesus TRIM5α is more restricting than human TRIM5α. Notably, however, canine cells did not support restriction by human TRIM5α and supported minimal restriction by rhesus TRIM5α, suggesting that these proteins may not function autonomously or that a canine factor interferes. Stable RNAi knockdown of endogenous rhesus TRIM5α resulted in marked increases in FIV and HIV-1 infectivities while having no effect on NB-MLV. A panel of nonprimate cell lines varied widely in susceptibility to lentiviral vector transduction, but normalized FIV and HIV-1 vectors varied concordantly. In contrast, in human and monkey cells, relative restriction of FIV compared to HIV-1 varied from none to substantial, with the greatest relative infectivity deficit for FIV vectors observed in human T-cell lines. Endogenous and introduced TRIM5α restrictions of FIV could be titrated by coinfections with FIV, HIV-1, or EIAV virus-like particles. Arsenic trioxide had complex and TRIM5α-independent enhancing effects on lentiviral but not NB-MLV infection. Implications for human gene therapy are discussed

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