Level of blood pressure above goal and clinical inertia in a Medicaid population


Failure to adjust hypertension therapy despite elevated blood pressure (BP) levels is an important contributor to lack of BP control. One possible explanation is that small elevations above goal BP are not concerning to clinicians. BP levels farther above goal, however, should be more likely to prompt clinical action. We reviewed one year’s worth of primary care records of 3,742 North Carolina Medicaid recipients 21 years and older with hypertension (a total of 15,516 office visits) to examine variations in hypertension management stratified by level of BP above goal and the association of BP level above goal with documented anti-hypertensive medication change. Among the 53% of patients not at goal BP, 42% were within 10/5 mm Hg of goal; 11% had a BP ≥40/20 mm Hg above goal. Higher level of BP above goal was independently associated with anti-hypertensive medication change. Compared to visits at which BP was <10/5 mm Hg above goal, the adjusted odds of medication change were 7.9 (95% CI 6.2-10.2) times greater at visits when patients’ BP was ≥ 40/20 mm Hg above goal. However, even when BP was above goal at this level, treatment change occurred only 46% (95% CI 40.2-51.8) of the time

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