
CAMMUAZA, or the ceremony used at the Induction of a Birman into the Order of Priesthood, called Phonghi, or Rhahaan (1795) by Michael Symes, edited by Michael W. Charney


This account of the induction ceremony for Buddhist monks was included as Appendix V in Michael Symes, An Acount of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, Sent by the Governor-General of India in the Year 1795 (London: W. Bulmer & Co., 496-500). Symes, then a major in the 76th Regiment, made numerous valuable observations on Burmese culture, society, government, and history. While it is clear that he did consult the accounts of other visitors to Burma, most of his material was derived from first-hand observation or from material provided by Burmese acquaintances, and the following account was likely derived from the latter

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