Improving urban grassland for people and wildlife


Access to nature is beneficial to human health. How can designed urban meadows help to enhance public well-being and urban biodiversity?Access to nature is beneficial to human health and well-being, yet over 80% of the UK population now live in urban areas and experience nature as “urban green infrastructure”, a mosaic of greenspaces including parks, gardens and semi-natural areas. As well as providing recreational, educational and aesthetic benefits these areas provide potential habitats for urban wildlife such as birds and insects, including important pollinators. However, a high proportion of urban greenspace is currently managed as close-mown amenity grass, with limited aesthetic interest or value to wildlife. Replacing some of this with designed urban meadows has been shown to enhance the value of individual greenspaces for both people and wildlife. Local authorities and other organisations that are responsible for management of public space are in a position to make this change

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