Implementation of ‘CLICK into Activity’ in South Somerset: Social prescribing through primary care referral of ‘at risk’ populations to community leisure services


In March 2013, Sport England launched a Lottery-funded initiative called ‘Get Healthy Get Active’ (GHGA), investing in numerous UK-based projects designed to tackle inactivity through participation in sport. CLICK into Activity, a social prescribing initiative based in South Somerset, was one of sixteen projects to receive backing in 2015 from Sport England during round two of GHGA funding. The preventive approach taken through CLICK into Activity was to refer inactive people from general practice and encourage individuals to play a central role in engaging with exercise specialists in community leisure services to improve health and wellbeing and support them to become more physically active.A mixed methods evaluation using the RE-AIM framework was conducted that aimed to evaluate the impact of CLICK into Activity. This executive summary presents the main findings of the evaluation

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