Affected by HIV Stigma: Interpreting Results from a Population Survey of an Urban Center in Guangxi, China


We aimed to identify factors related to HIV stigma in Liuzhou, Guangxi province, a city in southwest China with high HIV prevalence. We used a multi-stage cluster randomized sample of the general population to survey 852 adults. We conducted ordinal logistic regression analyses to test factors associated with punishment and isolation stigma. Eighteen percent of respondents agreed that people with HIV should be punished, and 40% agreed that people with HIV should be quarantined. Punishment stigma was associated with age, having three or more sexual partners, and TV watching. Isolation stigma was associated with age, urban residence and a history of STI. HIV transmission knowledge was low, and having correct knowledge attenuated the association with punishment and isolation stigma. Despite programs in China to provide care and treatment for PLHIV, HIV stigma is common in this region. Targeted interventions need to focus on fears related to HIV and PLHIV

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