CD 510: Foundations in Christian Discipleship


Required Textbooks (reading that forms and informs) Introducing Christian Education: Foundations for the Twenty-first Century, Michael J. Anthony, ed. Making Disciples: Faith Formation in the Wesleyan Tradition, Sondra Higgins Matthaei Creative Ministry, Henri Nouwen – Chapters 1 and 4 Patterns in Moral Development, Catherine M. Stonehouse. Learning from Gender Differences, Catherine M. Stonehouse A Many Colored Kingdom, Conde-Frazier, Kang, & Parrett Spiritual Preparation for Christian Leadership, Glenn Hinson One of the following: Note: Do not purchase your book from this list until you meet with your Age-Level Ministries Team the first week of class Rediscovering the Sunday School, Talmadge Johnson and Stan Toler (Focus: All ages) Children in the Worshiping Community, David Ng and Virginia Thomas (Focus: Children) Young Children and Worship, Sonja Stewart and Jerome Berryman (Focus: Children) Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students: A Guide for Youth Workers, Pastors, Teachers, and Campus Ministers, Richard R. Dunn (Focus: Youth, College) Family the Forming Center, Marjorie J. Thompson (Focus: Young Adults) Disciple Making Teachers: How to Equip Adults for Growth and Action, Josh Hunt (Focus: Adult) Boomers, Xers, and Other Strangers: Understanding the Generational Differences that Divide Us, Rick and Kathy Hicks (Focus: Adult) Giving the Ministry Away: Empowering Single Adults for Effective Leadership, Hershey, Butler, & Hurst (Focus: Single adults) Another Country, Navigating the Emotion Terrain of our Elders, Mary Pipher (Focus: Older Adults) Soul Stories: African American Christian Education, Anne Streaty Wimberly (Focus: Youth/Adult multicultural) Recommended Reading • How People Grow, What the Bible Reveals about Spiritual Growth, Cloud & Townsend • In The Name of Jesus, Reflections on Christian Leadership, H. Nouwen • Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life, Nouwen • Giving The Ministry Away, Hershey (NAVPRESS: geared for single adults, but this is an excellent resource for developing leadership in laity, single or not) • The Overload Syndrome, R. Swenson, M.D.

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