Longitudinal opioid use among HIV-infected patients, 2000 to 2014


Longitudinal opioid prescription use is unknown among HIV-infected patients. Group-based trajectory modeling followed by multinomial logistic regression was used to identify distinct trajectories and their association with baseline characteristics among 1239 HIV-infected UNC CFAR HIV Clinical Cohort participants, 2000-2014. Three trajectories were identified: (1) 72% never/sporadic opioid use (referent group), (2) 11% episodic use (associated with female sex, depression, drug-related diagnoses, antiretroviral therapy use, and undetectable HIV RNA), and (3) 16% chronic use (associated with older age, female sex, and mental health diagnoses). Overall, opioid prescription decreased substantially with longer time in HIV care among both episodic and chronic users

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