Thematic Minireview Series: Complexities of Cellular Signaling Revealed by Simple Model Organisms*


All cells discriminate environmental signals and generate appropriate intracellular responses. Our understanding of these signal transduction mechanisms has benefitted from studies across the kingdoms of life, from fungi and fish to mice and men. This thematic minireview series examines lessons learned from three of the simplest (and best understood) eukaryotic model organisms. The first article focuses on the mating pheromone pathway in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The second describes stress-mediated signaling in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. The third outlines some of the signaling pathways that dictate growth and development in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Each system has provided unique insights into hormone and neurotransmitter signaling mechanisms, in particular those mediated by the MAPKs. The advances described in these articles will continue to improve our understanding of human physiology and pharmacology

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