Audit of walk-in access for members of the public to online resources at higher education and further education libraries in the South West of England


This SWRLS-funded project aims to analyse and evaluate the extent to which Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) libraries across the South West region of the United Kingdom provide walk-in access to electronic resources.The information presented within this report is derived from the findings of a survey questionnaire of librarians from across the South West region. Findings of the survey reveal that in the majority of the six institutions that provide walk-in access, the service is not actively promoted. Potential audiences are not actively identified. Information about walk-in services and which resources are available to use within HE or FE in the region is currently hard to discover. There does appear to be some desire to provide walk-in access but the report identifies IT difficulties and legal issues over licences as particular barriers to implementation

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