A review of techniques for monitoring the success of peatland restoration


An important element of all peatland restorationprojects is a programme of monitoring to checkresults and progress. Several peat projectworkshops identified a demand for technicalguidance on monitoring techniques. So NaturalEngland commissioned this study to: -Review the range of peatland restorationmonitoring techniques available. -Identify those that were consistent, informativeand easily applicable for peatland restorationprojects at a range of scales and budgets.Tables to identify appropriate monitoringtechniques for specific projects are published inthe Technical Information Note TIN097 -Guidelines for monitoring peatland restoration.Further information on these techniques isprovided in this report.The findings of this study have been used to: -Inform the JNCC project to design a researchprogramme on UK Peatland Green House Gasand Carbon Flux. -Develop thinking on monitoring peatlands inthe IUCN UK Peatland Programme. -Inform hydrological monitoring programmes forthe Dartmoor and Exmoor Mires Project.These findings are being disseminated to: -Encourage the use of balanced and consistentapproaches to peatland restoration monitoring. -Develop consistency in monitoring approachesso as to enable possible future collation ofpeatland monitoring data as a single databaseresource.A single database resource of peatlandrestoration would enable more robust analysesof monitoring data to support the developmentand implementation of future support andmanagement techniques for peatlandrestoration

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