Recent developments in the stripping voltammetric determination of indium


The determination of indium has become increasingly more important as the demand for this metal has greatly increased in recent years for the manufacture of touch screen devices, photovoltaic and semi-conductor devices. Concentrations of In generally reported in the environmental are very low requiring highly sensitive techniques such as stripping voltammetry to obtain the detection limits required. This present review focuses on the past and present applications of stripping voltammetry for the determination of In. The majority of applications have utilized Hg working electrodes, either as hanging Hg drop or as thin-film electrodes for use in either anodic stripping voltammetry or adsorptive stripping voltammetry. Detection limits in the low ng/mL range have been generally been reported. The major issue with In determination has been its very low concentrations and interferences from elements such as Pb and Cd, which are generally found in much greater concentrations. More recently alternatives such as Sb and Bi thin film electrodes have been reported and shown to give similar or superior performance characteristics

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