Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kunjungan Pemeriksaan IVA/Pap Smear pada Ibu-Ibu PKK di Dusun Tajem Depok Sleman


Research Background: Cervix cancer is a cancer with high cases on woman in Indonesia and places the second place after Vietnam with 2,429 (25.91%). Based on the data of health department of Sleman District, the cervix cancer cases in 2013 in Sleman District was high. There were 91 new cases and 120 old cases of all ages. Research Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors relating to the IVA/Papsmear visit on PKK mothers at Tajem Depok Sleman. Research Method: The study employed the survey analytical correlation research. The data analysis used chi square. The research population was 706 PKK mothers. The research samples were 191 PKK mothers taken through cluster random sampling technique. Research Finding: The result showed that there were 153 people (80.1%) aged > 35 years old, 90 people (47.1%) in senior high school, 94% (49.2%) house assistances, 125 people (65.4%) age of marriage 21-35 years, 97 people (50.8%) low economic status, 160 (83.8%) partum 1-3 times. Meanwhile, 153 people (80.1%) have health insurance and 80 people (41.9%) had medium distance to access the health services. Finally, 150 people (78.5%) had supports from husbands. Conclusion: The factors influencing the IVA/Pap smear visits are age, occupation, partum, health insurance, and knowledge. Suggestion: The health practitioners, both state and private, are expected to repair the systems related to the prevention and handling the cervix cancer

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