E-Liquid Autofluorescence can be used as a Marker of Vaping Deposition and Third-Hand Vape Exposure


In the past 5 years, e-cigarette use has been increasing rapidly, particularly in youth and young adults. Due to the novelty of e-cigarettes (e-cigs) and e-cigarette liquids (e-liquids), research on their chemo-physical properties is still in its infancy. Here, we describe a previously unknown and potentially useful property of e-liquids, namely their autofluorescence. We performed an emission scan at 9 excitation wavelengths common to fluorescent microscopy and found (i) that autofluorescence differs widely between e-liquids, (ii) that e-liquids are most fluorescent in the UV range (between 350 and 405 nm) and (iii) fluorescence intensity wanes as the emission wavelength increases. Furthermore, we used the autofluorescence of e-liquids as a marker for tracking e-cig aerosol deposition in the laboratory. Using linear regression analysis, we were able to quantify the deposition of a "vaped" e-liquid onto hard surfaces. Using this technique, we found that every 70 mL puff of an e-cigarette deposited 0.019% e-liquid (v/v) in a controlled environment. Finally, we vaped a surface in the laboratory and used our method to detect e-cig aerosol third-hand exposure. In conclusion, our data suggest that e-cigarette autofluorescence can be used as a marker of e-cigarette deposition

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