Still too Young? Community Involvement in Sustainable Tourism in the Maldives


Tourism industry involves many different stakeholders, and to be developed and sustained, stakeholders working closely with each other, reducing conflicts between stakeholders are crucial for tourism success. On top of it, community is considered one of the most important stakeholders as tourism and sustainable tourism is highly dependent on the involvement of the community. Very recently, Maldivian government made plans to bring the community as a stakeholder into tourism industry, and building guesthouses in the inhabited islands was an initial step. Due to this, research was undertaken to see if the community really gets involved in tourism development and the feasibility of community tourism in a social level. To acquire information, field study was conducted in South Ari Atoll Dhangethi visiting tourist resort islands having structured interviews with the management of the resorts. After the field trip, further research was conducted in the capital city Male’ applying in-depth semi-structured interview technique. Analysis was done based on the situation of local employment in the Maldives, local culture and heritage, local souvenir industry, and local community involvement in the tourism development; which all relates to the community tourism proposed by the government. In addition generating social capital is being analysed and discussed. It was found that there are some conflicts between community, government and the industry; due to this local souvenir sector, local heritage and culture is being affected. In addition it was also found that to generate social capital there should be an incentive for social actors to volunteer. Finally it is concluded that community involvement in the tourism is important for sustainable tourism, however Maldives is not yet ready for community tourism, due to many internal issues such as not having enough protection for social actors

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