
Graphical Abstract Highlights d Derivation of human neocortical and spinal cord neuroepithelial stem (NES) cells d Zika virus (ZIKV) infects NES cells and radial glia, impairing mitosis and survival d ZIKV induces mitochondrial sequestration of centrosomal phospho-TBK1 d Nucleoside analogs inhibit ZIKV replication, protecting NES cells from cell death In Brief Onorati et al. establish neuroepithelial stem (NES) cells as a model for studying human neurodevelopment and ZIKV-induced microcephaly. Together with analyses in human brain slices and microcephalic human fetal tissue, they find that ZIKV predominantly infects NES and radial glial cells, reveal a pivotal role for pTBK1, and find that nucleoside analogs inhibit ZIKV replication, protecting NES cells from cell death

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