a study on the supply chain and market selection dilemnas of indian diamond industry


This study aims to investigate the underlying dilemmas that exist in the Indian diamond industry, which is presently standing at a cross-road, where the retail demand of Indian diamonds in foreign as well as in the domestic markets have turned slack due to inappropriate ��supply chain management and market selection practices. In order to capture the various issues faced by the industry players, literature review on the key components of SCM, in context of Indian diamond industry supply chain and market selection has been focused. As this study needed to gain an in-depth understanding of the predicaments faced by the industry players at various stages of the supply chain, qualitative research method was chosen and five participants of well-known diamond jewellery companies were interviewed to carry out this research. Thorough analysis of the interview data followed by a comparison with the literature framework has helped in unfolding certain facts that were not covered in any of the researches in this field. These critical issues need to be addressed with the help of efficient supply chain management and market selection strategies, as these strategies would lead to huge savings in total cost of diamond jewellery coupled with solving other dilemmas, which hampers the growth of trade in this creative industrial sector. Therefore, this study will have an important commercial viability as it will help organizations to re-capture the foreign as well as domestic markets that has turned slack due to inappropriate ��SCM and market selection practices

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