ADHD & Eating Pathology: Is there an association between ADHD & eating disorders?


This dissertation will examine the association between ADHD & eating pathology, a link that has gone unnoticed for decades. Many females tend to internalise ADHD symptoms, most commonly reported in the form of depression, anxiety, and mood disorders; however, the literature review will provide evidence that suggests the development of an eating disorder may be the result of internalising ADHD symptoms. This dissertation will take the form of an autoethnography combined with an extended, critical literature review. I will be reflecting on my personal experience with comorbid ADHD & bulimia nervosa to support claims made in the literature. The relationship between ADHD and multiple forms of eating pathology, including bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating disorder will all be examined, as well as the relationship between ADHD and obesity and certain nutritional factors that contribute to ADHD. The literature review will provide evidence that there is a direct association between ADHD & bulimia and binge eating disorder. Possible treatment options, including medication for individuals suffering with comorbid ADHD & an eating disorder will be discussed along with other implications for practice

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