Modificazioni dell'assetto elettrolitico ed ematochimico nella cavalla nell’ultimo trimestre di gravidanza e nel primo mese di lattazione


ABSTRACT - The electrolyte and biochemical variables were evaluated in 8 healthy mares, aged 4-10 years. Blood samples were taken after the 8th month of gestation, and then, every 30 days, for 3 consecutive months. During the lactation, blood samples were taken in the day 7, 15, 30 post partum. Mares were bled from the jugular vein between 7:30-9:00 AM. The purpose of this study was to determine which physiological changes occur in serum clinical biochemical analytes in pregnant and lactating mares and to determine whether the changes between pregnancy and lactation conditions are significant. Two way RMANOVA showed significant effects of lactation on the changes of all electrolytes and hematochemical variables, with higher levels of Na+, Pi and urea, and lower levels of Na+, Ca++, K+, creatinine, bilirubin and triglycerides in lactation than in pregnancy

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