Quality control of the paracetamol drug by chemometrics and imaging spectroscopy in the near infrared region
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5 p. : il.In this work, it was used imaging spectroscopy and chemometric tools for the development and analysis
of paracetamol and excipients in pharmaceutical formulations. It was also built concentration maps to
study the distribution of the drug in the tablets surface. Multivariate models based on PLS regression
were developed for paracetamol and excipients concentrations prediction. For the construction of the
models it was used 31 samples in the tablet form containing the active principle in a concentration range
of 30.0–90.0% (w/w) and errors below to 5% were obtained for validation samples. Finally, the study of the
distribution in the drug was performed through the distribution maps of concentration of active principle
and excipients. The analysis of maps showed the complementarity between the active principle and
excipients in the tablets. The region with a high concentration of a constituent must have, necessarily,
absence or low concentration of the other one. Thus, an alternative method for the paracetamol drug
quality monitoring is presented