Distal embolization durante percutaneous coronary intervention: a case report


Distal embolization is an acute complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Distal embolization of plaque and thrombus material is considered as a major cause of insufficient reperfusion despite a fully patent infarct-related artery, apart from ischemic microvascular damage and reperfusion induced regional inflammatory responses. In a recent study, angiographic evidence of distal embolization was associated with an 8-fold increase in 5-year mortality. We reported on our experience with distal embolization durante PCI which lead the patient developed ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarct (STEMI) inferior and posterior accompanied with severe chest pain and was treated in the Intesive Coronary Care Unit (lCCU). Distal embolization is the case that we should be put into our awareness because it can worse the after procedural outcome

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