Optimasi formula tablet gastroretentive ranitidin HCIdengan sistem floating = Optimization formula gastroretentive tablet of ranitidine HCIwith floating system


Ranltldin HCI merupakan antagonis reseptor H-2 untuk terapi sekresi tukak lambung dengan bioavailabilitas kecil, sehlngga perlu dlkembangkan dalam bentuk sedlaan sustained release yang ditahan di lambung. Formulasi floating tablet ranitidln HCI dlbuat menggunakan slstem effervescent. Simplex lattice design digunakan untuk optlmasi formula sediaan floating tablet ranltldln HCI dengan varlasl kadar Methocel K15M 100-185 mg, natrium blkarbonat 15-100 mg, dan asam sltrat 0-85 mg. Penentuan area formula optimum dltentukan berdasarkan superimposed contour plot berbagai parameter: sifat allr granul, sifat. flslk tablet dan pelepasan obat dengan menggunakan program Design [email protected] superimposed contour plot dlperoleh area formula optimum pada rentang Methocel K15M 100-145 mg, natrium blkarbonat 20-80 mg asam sltrat dan 25-80 mg. Ranltldine HCIis an H-2 receptor antagonists for the treatment of peptic gastric secretion with a small bloavailabllity, so that should be developed in a sustained release dosage form are retained in the stomach. Ranitidine HCI floating tablet was formulation by effervescent system. Simplex lattice design was applied to optimize the formula of ranitidine HCI floating tablet by varying levels of Methocel K15M 100-185 mg, sodium bicarbonate 15-100 mg, and citric acidO-85 mg. The Optimum formula determined by superimposed contour plot from various parameters: flowability of granules, physical properties of tablet and drug release using Deslgn-Expert@program. Based on superimposed contour plot obtained optimum formula for the area in the range of Methocel K15M100-145 mg, sodium bicarbonate 20-80 mg and citric acid 25- 80 mg

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