Kota Bogor studi tentang perkembangan ekologi kota (abad ke-19 sampai abad ke-20) = The City of Bogor: Study on the Development of City Ecology (19th - 20th Century)


The development of the city of Bogor was preceded on VOC\u27s period and then was continued on Dutch colonial psriod. On VOC\u27s period, Bogor in earl, just as a settlement then as a place of the local economical activity. For the next period, that region wasgait to be the position of the administration of the VOC government with administration status as a regency, that is a Kampung Baru regency (the first name used to be Bogor regency now). As an embryo of the Bogor development became a city appeared at the same period from the General Governor of Baron W. van Imhoff make the part of that region as a resort. He developed a "villa" with park. That region was put by a name "Buitenzorg" (a Dutch\u27s name that means "nobusiness \u27). In the beginning of the ninetsenth century appeared the important change in Buitenzorg, that initiated as a resort of the General Governor, since that period it was finished to be a legal General Governor\u27s resident. The government administration activity moved to there. By opening to the government officss, research instituitions, and education had made the more possibilities to European people entered to Buitenzorg. Such as opening it, the economic line and transportation facilities connected one region to the other regions had driven to appear the social and economic dynamic. In the middle of the nineteenth century the development of the city was signed by the increasingly of the opening of the Buitenzorg region for private companies and foreign capitalinvestment. This point had the possibilities for European people Chineses, East\u27s foreigripeo- ple entered to Buitenzorg increasingly. Tie logic conseguencies of-that fact was the entering of the capital flow, employment, technology, transportation network, social-economic organizations, and so on.-Because of the resident of the European people carried influence to development of the ecological city with planning, management, and living facilities that conterfeited to the European style, inCluding the government administration system with a lot of set and their regulations. On the hand, the living facilities in the city. such as the educa- tional facilities, health, entertainment, work opportunities, and another public services had driven to appearing the urbanization process as mmigration from the village to the city. Key words: ecology - urbanization - function of city

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