Konsep `Tuhan Mati\u27 Studi Pemikiran Eksistensialis Friedrich Nietzshce = \u27THE DEATH OF GOD\u27 CONCEPT Study of Friedrich Nietzsche\u27s Eksistensialist Thinking


ABSTRACT Humanity problems keep on flowing unstoppably as life also moves and changes. Realizing that life was not static, Nief7ccche criticized the structure of social values established by previous philosophers. Nietzsche was a high-spirited person and tried to be consistent with his humanistic destiny. The complexity of Nietzsche\u27s ideas can be described in four points, 1) the meaning of Nietzsche\u27s concepts of \u27God is dead\u27, 2) Uebermensch, 3) The will to Power, and 4) re-evaluational values. \u27God is dead\u27 in Nietzsche\u27s idea does not basically establish God as a person nor God as such. In this case, God is any form of human serfdom or destination of escape. Nietzsche presents Uebermensch as an unreachable destination. Someone can only find the direction toward Uebermensch when he or she has a strong Will to Power. Will to Power is a form of high spirit. How to reach Uebermensch and to make people realize the absolute existence of Will to Power gave Nietzsche ideas the emphasize the changes of point of view of the essence of life. The implication of Nietzsche\u27s ideas has had a very strong influence on religious life. Nietzshe stated that someone never stopped doing the utmost an religiously, someone could not claim that he had reached the real truths of a religion. Such claims have destroyed humankind\u27s creative urge to understand life because the secrets of life is basically in God\u27s hands only. Keyword : The Dead of God â Claim of Truth Religiusit

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