Penggabungan Metode 0\u27 Donnel Dan Muskingum-Cunge Untuk Penelusuran Banjir Pada Jaringan Sungai


Muskingum method of flood routing has some weaknesses. First, to define the value of routing parameters (Cd are difficult and require upstream and downstream hydrographs at the same time. Second, the lateral inflow has not yet been included. Cunge (/969) developed modification of Muskingum method by adding the physical aspect of stream, therefore it only requires upstream hydrograph. It is also not consider the lateral inflow. O\u27Donnel (1985) developed another modification of Muskingum method to get Ci value by matrix system and add the lateral inflow. Khan (1993) developed another modification Muskingum method on the stream with some branch, without considering the location of the join between the main stream and the branch. The model in this research combines O\u27Donnel-Muskingum-Cunge methods that can be applied on river system with branches and only require upstream hydrograph. The model is tested through historical data of Goseng catchment area and the result is satisfactory

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