Perancangan Atlas digital Untuk pembelajaran Peta Di Sekolah Menengah


School atlas of Indonesia has been used at elementary and junior high school, but most of the students at that level are not interesting to the atlas and its subject. Atlas contain a lot of snap and informs about earth sit/face, include geographic positioning and Indonesian natural resources. To motivate the students at elementary and junior high school in studying Indonesian natural resources, need digital or electronic atlas. This atlas is more useful and helpful, because of informative, communicative and interactive. The development of information technology is very fast. It snakes the development of atlas map from conventional map to digital snap, which can be operated using computer and the application software. The maps, photos and graphics are scanned, and then they will be digitized on monitor screen directly. Attribute data will be processed using Arc Info software. The spatial data and non-spatial data will be joined using identifier. To design the result is more interested and interactive for user, it is used the avenue application software. The research produced can motivate the students to study social sciences, especially the geographic- sciences, using digital atlas on monitor. It can be informed the students about geographic position, Indonesian nano-ell resources as well as they are needed

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