Pengaruh suplementasi konsentrat dengan kecepatan degradasi berbeda dengan pakan basal jerami padi terhadap parameter fermentasi rumen dan sintesis protein mikroba pada sapi peranakan ongole=effect of concentrate supplem


ABSTRAK The experiment was conducted to determine the effects of the concentrate suplementation with different degradation with rice straw as basal diet on rumen fermentation parameters and microbial protein synthesis of Ongole Grade Catties. Twelve rumen fistulated Ongole Grade Catties weighing an average of 250 kg were randomly devided into four treatment of slow carbohydrate-slow protein (SCSP), slow carbohydrate-rapid protein (SCRP), rapid carbohydrate-slow protein (RCSP) and rapid carbohydrate-rapid protein (RCRP). The rice straw and water were given ad-libitum while concentrate 40 g/kg body weight metabolic (BWM) twice daily at 08.00 and 16.00h. The experiment design used was Completely Randomized Design and the different between diets were analyzed by Duncanis New Multiple Range and Ortogonal Contrast Test. The result showed that differences (

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