
Using quantitative analysis to assess the appropriateness of infill buildings in historic settings


Over the past 40 years or so, and more recently in developing countries, increasing attention has been paid to the preservation of historic settings; however, with continued development and urbanization, a solution is needed for the problem of how to adapt historic settings for contemporary life. Consideration of how to conserve historic settings while introducing new development has been the subject of theoretical study for many years, and despite many mistakes, excellent architectural projects have been completed. However, most research has focused on assessing such projects only at a qualitative and cognitive level; a deeper exploration is therefore needed. Thus, the main goal of this paper is to apply a scientific, quantitative approach to investigating the contextual fit of infill buildings in historic settings. This research is approached mathematically within the framework of architectural theory and visual science. To assess the potential of this methodology, a case-study building facade is analyzed using three attributes: size, proportion, and color. The findings of this research can help in evaluating the contextual fit of architectural designs and thereby lead to improved design guidance for historic settings

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