Artificial Potential Field Assisted Mirror Reflectors for Terahertz Communications


The expectation for higher capacity wireless communication links is ever increasing due to the demand for high-data intensive applications, such as multimedia streaming, as well as increased number of devices connecting to the Internet. Researchers have now recently explored regions of the spectrum that are under utilized for communications, and this is the Terahertz band (0.1 THz to 10 THz). Unlike wireless technologies today, THz frequencies come with a plethora of challenges, one of which is the requirement of constant LoS. A number of solutions have explored the use of reflectors, or even reflect-arrays, that can help assist in redirecting beams towards the mobile devices in order to avoid blockages. In this paper, we propose the use of the Artificial Potential Field concept to increase the LoS rays in a multi-ray link by controlling antenna strips selection of a base station. Our approach aims to ensure a clear THz signal path from the base station to the reflectors, and to the mobile. We also consider micro-movement events that may result in loss of connectivity, through a concept of Personal Zones that allows multiple THz rays to beam around a user. Simulation results have shown the efficiency of the Artificial Potential Field (APF) in assisting the mirrors to redirect their beams through smaller number of utilized antenna strips, which increases the signal-to-noise ratio of links

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