Esters of petroselinic acid containing Trachyspermum copticum seed oil: Potential industrial lubricant base stocks


126-134Trachyspermum copticum seed oil contains volatile oil rich in thymol, which is distilled out and used for medicinal and aromatic formulations. The seed powder after removal of the volatiles loses its importance. However, the fixed oil being rich in unsaturation with petroselinic acid (18:1, Δ6; 68.3%) and linoleic acid (18:2; 25.3%) is used for preparing biolubricant base stocks. Methyl, isopropyl and 2-ethyl hexyl esters of the oil have been converted to epoxides, followed by in situ hydroxylation and acylation using hexanoic and butyric anhydrides. The acylated products have been evaluated for lubricant properties, and are found to exhibit density (0.91-0.97 g/cc); viscosity of 23.5-27.3 cSt at 40°C and 4.85-5.33 cSt at 100°C. The values are comparable to jatropha acylated products. The products exhibited good copper corrosion resistance value of ‘1a’ and high flash points of 230-242°C. The acylated esters with good weld load behavior, and lower wear and pour point values and viscosity indices, 128.84-138.94, can be potential base stocks belonging to group III category lubricants with ISO VG Grade about 22. These products can be further explored for the preparation of hydraulic, metal working and other industrial fluid formulations

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