Seismic Microzonation of Srinagar (Uttarakhand)


57-62India is a country of natural disasters. Here the disasters like earthquake, landslide, cyclone and floods occur often. More than 53% of the country's land is not safe as far as earthquake occurrence. Natural disasters take even more horrible forms in those situations when their affected area is a densely populated city. From 1960 till today, the number of people killed in these disasters is more than 3 million and estimating financial loss is beyond imagination. As far as the knowledge of earthquake science is concerned, our science is not capable of predicting earthquake. Therefore, today the necessity is to minimize the loss of life and property due to this. In this case, seismic micro-zonation seems like a ray of hope. In view of the importance of this study, the work of seismic micro-zonation of Srinagar (Uttarakhand) was started in April 2012. Srinagar was the capital of the Garhwal Empire until the arrival of the British. During 189-99, modern Srinagar was re-established by the British. Srinagar was given the urban status in 1931. Today Srinagar is one of the major cities of Uttarakhand. It is the important educational center of Garhwal as HN Bahuguna Garhwal Central University and Medical College are situated here. Micro-zonation is a site-specific risk analysis process, which can help in the mitigation of damage caused by earthquake. In most general terms, seismic micro-zonation is the process of estimating the affect of the soil layers generated by the waves during the earthquake and thus provides information about the impact of earthquakes on the ground surface. In this research work the geo-physical and seismic studies were undertaken. Based on the effect of the earthquake, the entire city was divided into three parts. The results obtained from the study will be discussed in detail in the research paper

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