In situ observations increase the diversity records of Rocky-reef inhabiting Echinoderms along the South West Coast of India


1528-1533Diversity of Echinoderms was studied in situ in rocky reefs areas of the south west coast of India from Goa (Lat. N 15°21.071’; Long. E 073°47.069’) to Kanyakumari (Lat. N 08°06.570'; Long. E 077°18.120') via Karnataka and Kerala. The underwater visual census to assess the biodiversity was carried out by SCUBA diving. This study reveals 11 new records to Goa, 7 to Karnataka, 5 to Kerala and 7 to the west coast of Tamil Nadu. A total of 15 species representing 12 genera, 10 families, 8 orders and 5 Classes were recorded namely Holothuria atra, H. difficilis, H. leucospilota, Actinopyga mauritiana, Linckia laevigata, Temnopleurus toreumaticus, Salmacis bicolor, Echinothrix diadema, Stomopneustes variolaris, Macrophiothrix nereidina, Tropiometra carinata, Linckia multifora, Fromia milleporella and Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Among these, the last three are new records to the west coast of India. Present work also stresses the importance novel techniques to data collection on echinoderm diversity in rocky shores of west coast of India

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