Theoretical aspect of the deformation effect on fusion cross-sections induced by heavy ion systems 16,18O + 58Ni and 112Sn


590-595Applying twelve different versions of nuclear potentials, the influence of static quadrupole and hexadecapole deformation of targets and its orientations on the fusion cross section have been studied. The barrier parameters for the reactions 16O + 58Ni, 16O + 112Sn and 18O + 112Sn have been estimated from the variations of total interaction potential with the inter-nuclear separation which is then used to determine the fusion cross section for the systems through Wong’s formula. It has been found that the nucleus-nucleus potential strongly depends on the deformation parameters and orientation of the target. The experimental fusion cross-section of these reactions (wherever available) have been investigated by applying Wong’s formula along with the results of a one-dimensional barrier penetration model using coupled – channel (CCFULL) code. The fusion cross-sections by Prox 10, Prox 88, Prox 00, Prox 00 DP, CW 76, Ngô 80 and AW 95 potentials have been found out to be in better agreement towards the experimental data

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