Evaluation of histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the testicular cells of Wistar rats post chronic exposure to gold nanoparticles


9-15Gold nanoparticles (GNP) have numerous therapeutic potentials due to their ability to cross blood barriers. However, limited data is available showing GNPs crossing the blood testicular barrier. Here we report results of chronic exposure (90 days) to GNPs ranging in size 5 to 20 nm in male Wistar rats. Histopathological and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis show GNPs distributed and accumulated in majority of the testicular tissues. This shows the ability of GNPs of specific sizes to cross the blood testicular barrier effectively, indicating possible insignificant toxicity to spermatogenesis process due to chronic exposure. Thus, GNPs of smaller size can possibly be used for various therapeutic and diagnostic purposes

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