Sliding stability analysis of emerged quarter circle breakwater with varying seaside perforations


1428-1435In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the sliding stability of seaside perforated Quarter circle breakwater (QBW) models. Experiments were conducted in a 2D monochromatic wave flume to study the minimum (critical) weight required to resist the sliding of emerged seaside perforated quarter circle breakwater models with radius 0.55 m and ratio of spacing to diameter of perforations (S/D) equal to 2, 2.5, 3, 4 and 5. From the results it was observed that the non-dimensional stability parameter (W/γHi2) is always decreasing with the increase in wave steepness, Hi/gT2, but increasing with increase in ratio of water depth to height of the breakwater structure or relative water depth (d/hs) and S/D. Minimum W/γHi2 was observed corresponding to S/D=2.5 and d/hs= 0.569

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